Groovy Spoon_responsive

Responsive design

April 2, 2020

GROOVY SPOON: Froyo Menu Page

For this project I have provided a complete responsive redesign proposal that included personas, site architecture, wireframes and user flow, and design layouts, using Axure as a main tool. The user-testing method that I have used was card-sorting. Its results revealed that there are several categories of target users for this type of website (children & teenagers, parents, and contractors), fact that was helpful in restructuring the site and designing wireframes for desktop, tablet, and mobile. (Project completed in 2014.)


Groovy Spoon site architecture

WIREFRAMES & ANNOTATIONS: Desktop version (Special Offers Page)

special offers wireframe–––

Desktop version (Homepage)

wireframe desktop

Tablet version (Homepage)


Mobile version (Homepage)

wireframe mobile